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OL18157867W Pages 358 Ppi 500 Related-external-id urn:isbn:1922244082 Comprehension questions suited to the Carole Wilkinson novel Dragonkeeper, broken into chapters with dictionary meaning study and wordsearchs, as well as with end of text comprehension activities. In a moment of startling bravery, Ping's destiny is revealed as a Dragonkeeper. Her master is a cruel drunk who neglects his duties as Imperial Dragonkeeper and under his watch the dragons have died, leaving only one - the ancient and wise Long Danzi. Once again the minister shuffled forward to hear the Emperor’s words.Access-restricted-item true Addeddate 15:56:55 Boxid IA157901 Camera Canon EOS 5D Mark II City New York Donor Ping is a slave in a royal palace on the edge of the Emperor's kingdom. “Has the Emperor considered my proposal, Grand Counsellor?” Then he wiped his mouth on his sleeve and spoke to the minister again. The guest was silent while he ate three bowls of oxtail soup. I have the horns if the Emperor is interested.” “I didn’t find any unfortunately, but I killed a huge grey beast with two white horns curling down on either side of a long snout. “I travelled to lands to the west in search of dragons.”īehind the screen, the girl’s smile faded. ”His imperial majesty wishes to hear of your expedition in barbarian lands.” The Emperor whispered something to the minister. An orphan slave girl becomes a Dragon Keeper when she heroically comes to the aid of an aging dragon and both go on a dangerous journey across China to. Excerpt from 'Garden of the purple dragon' included 'First published in 2003 by black dog books. “The lions provided great sport, though one mauled a minister to death before his imperial majesty was able to spear it.” “His imperial majesty was very pleased, Master Diao,” the minister replied. The minister with the gold seal dangling from his waist shuffled forward on his knees touching his forehead to the ground in front of the Emperor, who whispered a few quiet words to the back of the minister’s lowered head. Pursued by a ruthless dragon hunter, the girl and the dragon make an epic journey across China carrying a mysterious stone that must be protected. A slave girl saves the life of an ageing dragon and escapes her brutal master.


“Was his majesty happy with the lions I delivered to Chang’an?” the unpleasant man asked. Book One in the Dragonkeeper series Read the chapter ‘The edge of the empire’(533 KB PDF) Ancient China, Han Dynasty. Then she could go back to where she belonged. She just had to stay hidden until the Emperor left. The smell alone seemed to nourish her and brought a smile to her face. It had been a long time since her midday meal of plain millet. She could smell fish and ginger and soya sauce and other delicious smells that she didn’t recognise. The girl’s mouth watered as she breathed in the aroma of the food. The attendants tried to stay one course behind their sovereign, but often had to leave food uneaten as the Emperor devoured each course at such a rate. More and more food was brought from the kitchens. The other musicians accompanied him with bells and drums. He laid his instrument on the floor and started to play. One musician had a large stringed instrument which the girl thought was a zither. Three musicians shuffled into the room with their heads bowed respectfully. Everyone waited until the Emperor had finished eating the first course before they all began eating. More servants came in with bowls of steaming food and jars of wine. The strange guest had a tray to himself just like the Emperor. The other trays were set among the ministers. With their heads bowed, they placed trays next to the Emperor and the Empress. Servants entered from the kitchen carrying silver trays on legs, set with gilt bowls and polished ivory chopsticks. Category: General fiction (Childrens / Teenage) Format: CD-Audio. He looked like a rough peasant, yet he sat facing the Emperor as if he were an honoured guest and the imperial ministers bowed to him. This is the story of a young slave girl who believes she is not worthy of a name but finds within herself the strength and courage to make this perilous journey - and do what must be done.

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He had weapons and a length of chain hanging from his belt. Her tyrannic master is a cruel drunkard who neglects his duties as Imperial Dragonkeeper and under his watch the Emperors dragons have dwindled from a magnificent dozen to a miserable two. The smell of him turned the girl’s stomach. Ping is a slave in a little-used royal palace on the edge of the Emperors kingdom. He wore a necklace made of animals’ teeth and clothing made of poorly cured hides. His hair hung on his shoulders in matted strings.


The other newcomer was a dirty-looking man with the dark, lined skin of someone who has spent most of his life outdoors.

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